Vehicle Stock, Air Pollutants, and GHG Projection Policy Evaluation Tool
main purpose
SIBYL has been envisaged as a vehicle stock projection tool with internal energy consumption, emission, and cost estimation capabilities. It allows the formation and execution of scenarios, policy assessment and target setting.
EMISIA has recently redesigned the SIBYL baseline, which is now a COPERT compatible dataset that has been extracted using the SIBYL methodology, going even beyond the limits of the well-known software tool integrating new vehicle categories. SIBYL baseline provides historical and projected vehicle fleet data, emissions, and energy consumption for the whole period 1990 – 2050.
Our fleet model SIBYL can now conduct LCA. SIBYL, widely applied till now to estimate the emissions from the on-road operation of vehicular fleets in Europe, has been expanded to LCA matters to provide more holistic environmental impact assessments for road transport. Developing a new method for fleet-based LCA in SIBYL’s methodological core and including emission factors for vehicle manufacturing and decomposition, along with the existing ones for on-road operation, emissions from vehicular fleets can now be evaluated and monitored on a perspective that the real footprint of road transport is revealed in the electrified era.
model type
- Cost-effective AQ abatement strategies
- Forecast model
- Licence type
- Non-Free Software licence
details on model structure and approach
EMISIA uses the SIBYL model for the projection of emissions from road transport. SIBYL can project emissions based on fleet dynamics, expected market trends and forecasted fleet growth scenario. With SIBYL it is possible to make fleet, activity, energy, and emissions estimations and projections up to 2050. Based on these features and by utilizing proper emission and consumption factors, SIBYL can project emission and energy evolution from road vehicles. SIBYL projections are calibrated against higher-tier energy and/or activity projections and hence can be used to further understand potential problems or inconsistencies observed for individual Member States. The scenario building procedure in SIBYL includes a range of options for the development of user-defined scenarios with a variety of conventional and more advanced vehicle types. SIBYL has been recently redesigned and is now a COPERT compatible dataset which can be used for cost assessment models, to calculate the total emissions and benefits as well as the associated new technology implementation costs, towards the cost-benefit calculation.
model inputs
For the creation of each scenario, the model takes as input data the number of new registrations and stock, the activity data and driving patterns (speeds, shares, etc.) as well as information about fuel for each year and type of vehicle and for all powertrains available in the market. Sibyl is now a COPERT compatible dataset which uses the emission factors of the latest COPERT version, but the list of vehicles has been enhanced such that all alternative powertrains has been considered. In total, 760 different vehicles from road transport are currently part of the SIBYL baseline.
model outputs
The model provides the user with state-of-the art (baseline) scenario projections for 37 different European countries and delivers as output a detailed information on vehicle stocks and activities, the resulting GHG and air pollutant emissions, and the energy needs for all the years in the (baseline) scenario.
model spatial-temporal resolution and extent
Parameter | Description |
Spatial Extent/Country Coverage | EU Member states 27 Also 10 additional other European countries |
Spatial Resolution | National |
Temporal Extent | Long-term (more than 15 years) up to 2050 |
Temporal Resolution | Years |