TRansport eUropean Simulation Tool
policy support
policy role
TRUST is particularly suitable for modelling road charging schemes for cars and heavy goods vehicles, and policies in the field of infrastructure (e.g. completion of the core and comprehensive Trans-European Transport (TEN-T) network).
More specifically the policy measures that can be simulated with TRUST are:
Road sector
- Road charging (e.g. Eurovignette): Charges can be coded directly if they are based on demand segments of the model, otherwise average charges based on e.g. fleet composition should be estimated exogenously
- Energy taxation: average change of operating cost can be coded according to fleet composition by country
- Road infrastructure changes: Changes can consist of new links and improved links. Given the scale of the model, simulation is meaningful for major modifications (e.g. one corridor) rather than for single links.
- Speed limits
- Technology – transport information system, management & service: As far as technology is supposed to modify elements like travel speed or link capacity. The entity of the modification should be estimated exogenously
- Truck driver regulations: Indirect simulation based on exogenous assumption on expected impact of regulation on driving cost.
Rail sector
- Infrastructure charging: Charges can be coded directly if they are based on demand segments of the model otherwise average charges should be estimated exogenously
- Rail infrastructure changes: Changes can consist of new links and improved links. Given the scale of the model, simulation is meaningful for major modifications (e.g. one corridor) rather than for single links.
- Technology – transport information system, management & service: As far as technology is supposed to modify elements like travel speed or operational costs. The entity of the modification should be estimated exogenously
Maritime sector
- Infrastructure charging: As far as ports can be charged
- Technology – transport information system, management & service: As far as technology is supposed to modify costs or times at ports. Modification should be estimated exogenously
- Port regulations: As far as regulation is supposed to modify costs or times at ports. Modification should be estimated exogenously
Inland waterways sector
- IWW infrastructure changes: Changes can consist of new links and improved links. Given the scale of the model, simulation is meaningful for major modifications.
- Port regulations : As far as regulation is supposed to modify costs or times at IWW ports. Modification should be estimated exogenously
- Technology – transport information system, management & service: As far as technology is supposed to modify elements like travel speed or reduce operation costs. The entity of the modification should be estimated exogenously.
Impact types that can be assessed with the models include:
- Transport impact, Environmental impact, Economic impact
- Transport volumes
- Modal split
- Network impacts
- Emissions
- Noise
- Transport costs
Can be assessed through: Modelling of specific scenarios in combination with ASTRA
policy cycle
This model contributes to the following phases of the policy cycle
policy areas
This model can contribute to the following policy areas
impact assessments
Starting from July 2017, this model supported the ex-ante impact assessments of the European Commission listed below.
- 07 November 2023
- 11 July 2023
- 14 December 2021
- 14 December 2021
- 14 July 2021
- 17 May 2018
impact assessment studies
Starting from July 2017, this model supported the ex-ante impact assessments of the European Commission listed below.
- 13 March 2019