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Modular Applied GeNeral Equilibrium Tool

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Quality & Transparency


Model uncertainties

Models are by definition affected by uncertainties (in input data, input parameters, scenario definitions, etc.). Have the model uncertainties been quantified? Are uncertainties accounted for in your simulations?

Partially. Uncertainty analyses are performed with regard to data, parametrs and exogneous assumptions to the aim of the specific research question. MAGNET is unique as it is able to perform sensitivity analyses with regard to model structure due it modular set up. Many scientific paper include uncertainty analyses directed at research question.

    Sensitivity analysis

    Sensitivity analysis helps identifying the uncertain inputs mostly responsible for the uncertainty in the model responses. Has the model undergone sensitivity analysis?

    Partially. Not accounted for systematically, but most relevant ones tested via additional simulations. Sensitivity analyses are performed with regard to data, parametrs and exogneous assumptions to the aim of the specific research question. MAGNET is unique as it is able to perform sensitivity analyses with regard to model structure due to its modular set up. Many scientific papers include sensitivity analyses.

      Have model results been published in peer-reviewed articles?

      Scenarios to account mainly sensitivity are usually added to main analyses. Results published on regular basis in (high impact) journals such as Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications, Environmental Research Letter, Agricultural Economics.

        Has the model formally undergone scientific review by a panel of international experts?

        Please note that this does not refer to the cases when model results were validated by stakeholders.


          Model validation

          Has model validation been done? Have model predictions been confronted with observed data (ex-post)?

          There has been no formal evaluation of the model by an external panel, however the model has been extensively published in peer-reviewed journals and is widely regarded as state-of-the-art global Computable General Equilibrium of agricultural and bioeconomy analysis.


            To what extent do input data come from publicly available sources?

            This may include sources accessible upon subscription and/or payment

            Entirely based on publicly available sources

            Is the full model database as such available to external users?

            Whether or not it implies a specific procedure or a fee


            Have model results been presented in publicly available reports?

            Note this excludes IA reports.


            Have output datasets been made publicly available?

            Note this could also imply a specific procedure or a fee.

            Through publications in reports and journals, as well as in the data platform dataM.

              Is there any user friendly interface presenting model results that is accessible to the public?

              For instance: Dashboard, interactive interfaces...


              Has the model been documented in a publicly available dedicated report or a manual?

              Note this excludes IA reports.

              See model documentation, Woltjer G., Kuiper M., Kavallari, A., van Meijl, H., Powell, J., Rutten, M., Shutes, L., Tabeau, A. (2014). The MAGNET model - Module description. Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), LEI Report 14-057. The Hague, Netherlands.

              Is there a dedicated public website where information about the model is provided?


                Is the model code open-source?


                Can the code be accessed upon request?
