Explore MIDAS
Explore by impact areas Model contributions to impact assessments grouped by the impact areas that the model helped to assess. The impact areas are based on the guidance provided by the Commission's better regulation framework (for more information see the glossary). In some cases, model contributions might still need to be classified and thus do not appear here.
Select a tab Economy Social Environment
Administrative costs on businesses (3)
Information obligations placed on businesses
Capital movements; financial markets; stability of the euro (19)
Investments and functioning of markets
Macro-economic stability
Conduct of business (58)
Cost/availability of essential inputs (raw materials, machinery, labour, energy, ..)
Equal treatment of products and businesses
Investment cycle
Opening/closing down of business
Additional costs on businesses
Market & marketing
Business access to finance
Regulation of business
Consumers and households (41)
Prices, quality, availability or choice of consumer goods and services
Safety or sustainability of consumer goods and services
Impact on vulnerable consumers
Consumer's ability to benefit from the internal market or to access goods and services from outside the EU
Consumer information, knowledge, trust or protection
Education and training, education and training systems (8)
Level of education and training outcomes
Skills used by individuals
Education and mobility of workers
Access to education and training
Cross-border collaboration (education & training)
Financing and organisation of educational and training systems
Universities and academic freedom
Productivity of the human capital
Efficient use of resources (renewable & non-renewable) (12)
Use of non-renewable resources
Use of renewable resources
Business opportunities
Employment (92)
Economic growth and employment
Impact on jobs
Impact on jobs in specific sectors, professions, regions or countries
Indirect effects on employment levels
Factors preventing or enhancing the potential to create jobs or prevent job losses
Opportunities and incentives of workers/specific groups to work
Food safety, food security and nutrition (0)
Safety of food and feed
Food and nutrition security (both in EU and third countries)
Fraud, crime, terrorism and Security, including hybrid threats (0)
Security, crime or terrorism risks
Criminal\'s chances of detection or potential gain from the crime
Number of criminal acts
Law enforcement capacity to address criminal activity
Security interests
Victims of crime and witnesses or their rights
Vulnerabilities and exposure to hybrid threats
Direct or indirect persistent hybrid threat challenge
Reduced exposure to hybrid attacks/incidents
Risk of environmental fraud
Functioning of the internal market and competition (13)
Free movement of goods, services, capital and workers
Fundamental rights (1)
Income distribution, social protection and social inclusion (of particular groups) (29)
Households income and at risk of poverty rates
Inequalities and the distribution of incomes and wealth
Financing and organisation of social protection systems
Access to and quality of social protection benefits
Access to and quality of basic goods and services
Innovation (productivity and resource efficiency), research (academic and industrial) (28)
Stimulation of research and development
Markets for Innovation
Innovation for productivity/resource efficiency
Promotion of academic or industrial research
Land use (5)
Change in land use
First time use of new areas of land
Type of economic activity linked to the change in land use
Property rights, intellectual property rights (1)
Intellectual property rights
Property rights
Public authorities (22)
Budgetary consequences for public authorities
Costs on public authorities burden
Creation of new or restructuring of existing public authorities
Resilience, technological sovereignty, open strategic autonomy, security of supply (0)
EU's resilience in the relevant policy area
Technological sovereignty of the EU as regards critical technologies
Exiting dependencies on third countries as regards critical technologies and value chains
Union’s essential security interests, in particular as regards critical technologies, infrastructure and value chains
Sectoral competitiveness, trade and investment flows (71)
Cost of doing business
Investment flows & trade in services
EU Exports & imports
Market share & advantages in international context
Non-trade barriers
Business' capacity to innovate
Third countries
International standards and common regulatory approaches
SMEs (2)
Operation and competitiveness of SMEs and micro SMEs
Sustainable consumption and production (24)
Sustainable production and consumption
Relative prices of environmental friendly and unfriendly products
Polution by businesses
Promotion or restriction of environmentally un/friendly goods and services
Technological development / Digital economy (0)
Simplification / automation of processes
Synergies with existing digital policies
Digital eco-systems / exchange of data between different actors and systems
Reduction of burden and costs for businesses and citizens through the use of digital technology
Pace of the digital transformation of economic or social sectors
Digital accessibility / digital gap
Territorial impacts (specific (types of) regions and sectors) (0)
Significantly different extent of impact on economic activity, environment, or people living in cities, rural, cross-border, insular, mountainous, or sparsely populated areas and in the EU outermost regions
Problem concentration in certain areas (e.g. rural), regions, or Member States
Disproportionately affected areas (e.g. rural), regions, or Member States
Uneven territorial development
Distortion of territorial cohesion
Effects on EU outermost regions, other island, crossborder and mountain regions, taking into account their constraints / characteristics
The likelihood or scale of environmental and climate risks (0)
Likelihood of fire, explosions, breakdowns, accidents and accidental emissions
Risk of unauthorised or unintentional dissemination of environmentally alien or genetically modified organisms
Insurance markets
Third countries, developing countries, and international relations (41)
EU foreign policy and EU development policy
Goods traded with developing countries
Environment in third countries
Impacts on developing countries
Impacts on third countries
International legal commitments
Employment, social protection and poverty impacts in non-Member States (including developing countries)
Adjustment costs in developing countries
ILO Conventions and the implementation of the ILO Decent Work Agenda in third countries
Impacts on gender equality and on the most vulnerable groups of society, including persons with disabilities
Transport and the use of energy (43)
Energy intensity of the economy
Fuel mix used in energy production
Energy and fuel consumption
Vehicle emissions
Demand for transport
Waste production / generation / recycling (9)
Waste production, treatment, disposal or recycling