Source: Commission modelling inventory and knowledge management system (MIDAS)
Date of Report Generation: Thu Mar 06 2025
Dissemination: Public
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Full title
Vehicle Energy Consumption calculation TOol
Main purpose
VECTO is a vehicle simulation software created to support CO2 emissions monitoring from Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) in Europe and serve as the official CO2 calculation tool in the certification scheme.
The Vehicle Energy Consumption calculation TOol (VECTO) is a Heavy Duty Vehicle (HDV) energy consumption simulation software developed by the European Commission for regulatory purposes. VECTO software platform consists of VECTO software and a series of other software tools developed for the needs of the HDV certification procedure. Those include VECTO-Engine, VECTO-AirDrag and VECTO-hash&sign tools which are used at various points during the certification process. VECTO software is licensed under the European Union Public Licence (EUPL). VECTO provides output values for the average of the test cycle and in 1 Hz resolution for the entire test cycle together with relevant additional simulation results (e.g. power demand of single auxiliaries, losses in transmission, total driving resistance and share of the single driving resistances).
VECTO has been introduced in May 2017 in the European vehicle type-approval system as the official tool used in Europe to certify and monitor the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from HDV, and its use is compulsory in Europe for CO2 certification of Heavy Duty Vehicles according to 2017/2400/EU. Beyond this use in policy implementation, VECTO can be used in any other phase of the policy cycle including impact assessment studies, analysis of the likely impact of specific technologies on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, and formulation and analysis of future policy scenarios.
Model categories
Model keywords
vehicle simulationfuel consumptionCO2 emissionsheavy-duty vehiclesHDV
Model homepage
Ownership and Licence
EU ownership (European Commission)
Ownership details
Licence type
Free Software licence
The license grants freedom to run the programme for any purpose; freedom to run the program for any purpose; freedom to study (by accessing the source code) how the program works, and change it so it does enable computing; freedom to redistribute copies; and freedom to distribute copies of modified versions to others.
Structure and approach
The VECTO vehicle simulation model is used for Heavy Duty Vehicle CO2 and fuel consumption certification in Europe.
The model needs detailed input on a large variety of vehicle subsystems, especially rolling resistance, air drag and transmission data, as well as an engine map. Generic models are available for a number of subsystems, but further development is bringing in more detail, as requested by the industry.
Given the input data for a base vehicle, VECTO is capable of simulating different vehicle configurations, allowing for a quick estimation of CO2 emissions and energy consumption from heavy duty vehicles of different characteristics. VECTO simulates CO2 emissions and fuel consumption based on vehicle longitudinal dynamics using a driver model for simulation of target speed cycles. The required load to be delivered by the internal combustion engine is calculated in 1Hz based on the driving resistances, the power losses in the drivetrain system and the power consumption of the vehicle auxiliary units. Engine speed is determined based on a gear shift model, the gear ratios and the wheel diameter. Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are then interpolated from an engine fuel/CO2 map. The VECTO software is written in C#.
Input and parametrization
Main inputs
- Engine fuel consumption map
- Torque loss maps at the drive train
- Vehicle mass
- Vehicle road loads
- Vehicle characteristics
- Vehicle auxiliary systems
Main output
The list of output values has been defined together by the developers and industry. The model provides CO2 and fuel consumption results over official and user defined driving cycles (mission profiles). Various metrics can be calculated such as gCO2/km, gCO2/t-km, gCO2/passenger-km litres/100km, l/100passenger-km etc.
Spatial & Temporal extent
The output has the following spatial-temporal resolution and extent:
Parameter | Description |
Spatial extent / country coverage | EU Member states 27 |
Specific driving cycle / mission profile. | |
Spatial resolution | Entity |
Vehicle | |
Temporal extent | |
Simulation of HDV operation over given mission profiles and operating conditions. Usual temporal resolution 2 or 1 Hz. Seasonal variations cannot be captured. | |
Temporal resolution | |
1 Hz |
Quality & Transparency
Model uncertainties
Models are by definition affected by uncertainties (in input data, input parameters, scenario definitions, etc.). Have the model uncertainties been quantified? Are uncertainties accounted for in your simulations?
- response
- yes
- details
- The uncertainties have been quantified by several stakeholders including heavy duty vehicle manufacturers.
- url
Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis helps identifying the uncertain inputs mostly responsible for the uncertainty in the model responses. Has the model undergone sensitivity analysis?
- response
- yes
- details
- Yes the JRC has made a first sensitivity analysis, the findings are currently under publication.
- url
Have model results been published in peer-reviewed articles?
- response
- yes
- details
- It undergoes continuous review by industrial stakeholders who use it for certification purposes and independently by the JRC.
- url
Has the model formally undergone scientific review by a panel of international experts?
Please note that this does not refer to the cases when model results were validated by stakeholders.
- response
- no
- details
- url
Model validation
Has model validation been done? Have model predictions been confronted with observed data (ex-post)?
- response
- yes
- details
- Three reports have been published to date on the topic by the JRC. Validation has been done by some member states and by industrial stakeholders.
- url
To what extent do input data come from publicly available sources?
This may include sources accessible upon subscription and/or payment
- response
- Based on both publicly available and restricted-access sources
Is the full model database as such available to external users?
Whether or not it implies a specific procedure or a fee
- response
- no
- details
- There is no underlying database, the input is vehicle specific and derived during the certification process.
- url
Have model results been presented in publicly available reports?
Note this excludes IA reports.
- response
- yes
- details
- documents
For details please refer to the 'peer review for model validation' documents in the bibliographic references
Have output datasets been made publicly available?
Note this could also imply a specific procedure or a fee.
- response
- no
- details
- Depends on who is using the model. As JRC we draft reports and papers on the simulations we run with VECTO.
- url
Is there any user friendly interface presenting model results that is accessible to the public?
For instance: Dashboard, interactive interfaces...
- response
- no
- details
- url
Has the model been documented in a publicly available dedicated report or a manual?
Note this excludes IA reports.
- response
- yes
- details
Is there a dedicated public website where information about the model is provided?
- response
- yes
Is the model code open-source?
- response
- yes
- details
- The source code, the users manual and the technical annex regarding VECTO are public by law.
- url
Can the code be accessed upon request?
- response
- not applicable
- details
The model’s policy relevance and intended role in the policy cycle
The model is designed to contribute to the following policy areas
- Climate action
- Energy
- Research and innovation
- Transport
The model is designed to contribute to the following phases of the policy cycle
- Anticipation – such as foresight and horizon scanning
- Evaluation – such as ex-post evaluation
- Formulation – such as ex-ante Impact Assessments
- Implementation – this also includes monitoring
The model’s potential
This model is the tool of reference for the certification of CO2 from heavy-duty vehicles. After further development it will also allow the Commission to assess the effects of new technologies. The results of this model can be used in order to estimate the effects of new technologies on the CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of heavy-duty vehicles.
VECTO has been used in impact assessment studies done by DG CLIMA on CO2 monitoring and standards.
The following kind of questions can be answered, related to Impact Subcategory Vehicle Emissions, Fuel and Energy Consumption :
- What is the impact of certain vehicle specifics on the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of Heavy Duty Vehicles?
- Can a given technology option reduce energy/fuel consumption of Heavy Duty Vehicles by Z%? Does it increase or decrease vehicle emissions? Will the option increase/decrease energy and fuel needs/consumption?
- What is the likely performance of today's Heavy Duty Vehicle fleet with respect to energy consumption?
Previous use of the model in ex-ante impact assessments of the European Commission
Use of the model in ex-ante impact assessments since July 2017.
2023SWD/2023/88 final
Impact Assessment Part 1 Accompanying the document Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 as regards strengthening the CO₂ emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and integrating reporting obligations, and repealing Regulation (EU) 2018/956
- Lead by
- Run by
- TU Graz - Graz University of Technology
- Contribution role
- baseline and assessment of policy options
- Contribution details
VECTO was used to quantify the CO2 and energy saving of technologies for different vehicle groups and powertrain types. The data was used as input to DIONE and allowed analyzing the impact of possible extensions of the regulation's scope.
2018SWD/2018/185 final
Impact assessment accompanying the document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council: setting CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy duty vehicles
- Lead by
- Run by
- European Commission
- Contribution role
- problem definition
- Contribution details
The model VECTO is the subject of this impact assessment.