Policy-Oriented Tool for Energy and Climate Change Impact Assessment
Fact Sheet

Source: Commission modelling inventory and knowledge management system (MIDAS)

Date of Report Generation: Thu Mar 06 2025

Dissemination: Public

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Full title

Policy-Oriented Tool for Energy and Climate Change Impact Assessment

Main purpose

POTEnCIA is an economic modelling tool designed to compare alternative pathways of the EU energy system and related CO2 emissions until 2050, thereby quantifying the impacts of energy and climate policy options in a consistent and comprehensive manner.


POTEnCIA is a modelling tool for the EU energy system, covering all energy demand sectors (i.e. residential, services, industry, transport and agriculture) and energy supply. The model covers each EU Member State separately, while offering, in addition, the option of addressing the EU27 and UK energy system as a whole. Model outputs are provided in annual time steps for the time horizon 2000-2050. Historical data (2000-2015) are consistent with Eurostat and based on the JRC Integrated Database of the European Energy System (JRC-IDEES), which was developed in parallel to the POTEnCIA model and is publicly available. 

POTEnCIA follows a hybrid partial equilibrium approach. It combines behavioural decisions with (imperfect) optimisation, using detailed techno-economic data, therefore allowing for an analysis of both technology-oriented policies and of those addressing behavioural change. Special features and mechanisms are introduced in POTEnCIA as to appropriately represent the transformation of today’s energy systems and to assess a wide variety of potential energy related policies and measures.

The model can be used for ex-ante policy assessment or policy evaluation. It is designed to assess the impacts of alternative energy and climate policies on the energy system, under different hypotheses about the framework conditions within the energy markets. In addition, explicit policies can be directly addressed, such as those related to energy taxation, efficiency standards, feed-in-tariffs, etc. The main use of the tool is to perform comparative analysis of scenarios.

Model categories


Model keywords

EnergyClimate policytransport modelEnergy modelenergy policypartial equilibriumGHG emissionsTransport Policy

Model homepage


Ownership and Licence


EU ownership (European Commission)

Ownership details

POTEnCIA is developed and owned by the European Commission. 

Licence type

Non-Free Software licence

The license has one or more of the following restrictions: it prohibits creation of derivative works; it prohibits commercial use; it obliges to share the licensed or derivative works on the same conditions.


Structure and approach


POTEnCIA is a modelling tool for the EU energy system that follows a hybrid partial equilibrium approach. It combines behavioural decisions with detailed techno-economic data. The tool therefore allows for an analysis of both technology-oriented policies and of those addressing behavioural change.

The model runs on an annual basis, based on historical time series and with a typical projection timeline to 2050. Historical time series are taken from the publicly available JRC Integrated Database of the European Energy System (JRC-IDEES), which is consistent to Eurostat energy balances and has been developed in parallel to the POTEnCIA model.

Each country is modelled separately as to appropriately capture the existing differences in energy system structures, levels of energy service, technology characteristics, resources availability etc. POTEnCIA can also run for the EU27 and UK as a whole as to assess cross-country interactions such as imports/exports or policies defined at EU level.

Structure and approach

In each year, POTEnCIA successively optimises demand and supply across energy carriers.

In order to meet the foreseen activity levels in a given year (e.g. tonnes of steel produced; mobility; indoor temperature) in each demand sector – i.e. residential, industry, services, transport and agriculture – a certain energy service is required. This energy service is met by optimising both the stock and use of the energy-consuming equipment under various constraints.

Methodologically, each demand and supply sector in POTEnCIA is formulated by means of a representative agent[1] that implicitly seeks to minimise its cost and/or to maximise its benefit (profit, utility, etc.) under constraints related to behavioural preferences, technology availability, level of activity desired, degree of comfort sought, equipment installed, fuel availability and environmental considerations. Discrete choice modelling is applied as concerns the energy actors' investment decision-making.

The behaviour of the representative agents within POTEnCIA is captured by causational equations (in many cases highly non-linear). Other non-linear relationships are introduced in the model as to represent the scarcity of resources, the level of exploitation of existing infrastructure and technology dynamics.

At the level of the overall energy system, in each year the model determines the equilibrium across the different sectors through prices, for all scarce resources (not only the traditional energy carriers, but also renewable energy, other efficiency and environmental –CO2 related- costs in relation to their potentials). In this process different agents act as price-takers, price makers or simultaneously both. This equilibrium is repeated in each year of the projection period, incorporating dynamic relationships reflecting previous decisions of economic agents from one year to the next. Given the complexity of the problem and taking advantage of the dynamic recursive annual time steps, POTEnCIA makes use of the equilibrium prices with a one year lag. Such lag also reflects observed delays with which price signals pass on to economic agents in the sector. 

For network-supplied forms of energy (electricity and derived heat), capacity planning and dispatch decisions are optimised to fulfil the hourly load of an entire year (i.e. 8760 hours) at the minimum cost. The hourly load is generally the aggregate of inflexible (computed by linking exogenously defined load profiles at the level of individual energy uses to the corresponding energy requirements identified on the demand-side simulation) and flexible (storage loading, demand response, etc.) elements.

Methodologically, modelling of power generation in POTEnCIA follows a non-linear optimisation approach, addressing capacity planning and power plant dispatching under:

  • constraints on inflexible demand (synchronised chronological load curves for electricity, and distributed steam and heat demand) and flexible demand (e.g. limits on demand response);
  • constraints related to the operational constraints of power generation and energy storage plants (including planned maintenance);
  • fuel supply constraints (including chronological load curves for intermittent renewable energy forms, such as wind and solar energy);
  • grid constraints (including exogenous net transfer capacities to limit the endogenous hourly electricity trading across countries, and the possibility to invest in additional transfer capacity); and
  • policy constraints

A variety of sector-specific assumptions are applied within the model. These concern the different planning horizons, the formation of expectations about prices, technologies, resources, etc., and the role of those expectations in economic decision making. Expectations about future markets are also accounted for. 

The role of energy installations/equipment and vintages

The POTEnCIA model, though being an economic model of the entire energy system, deals with energy consumption at the level of a 'representative consumption unit'. Such representative consumption unit constitutes of, for example, an industrial installation needed to produce one unit of output; a household installation for thermal uses in the residential sector; a (representative) electrical appliance; a vehicle for private transport.

The investment choices made by the 'representative agent' therefore represent physical entities rather than investments in a certain continuous capacity. For example, a new household requires a space heating boiler of a certain size, a water heating equipment of another size and a certain number of appliances etc.  All of these installations have specific techno-economic characteristics.

The vintage equipment characteristics are explicitly considered over the entire modelling horizon both on the demand and supply side, allowing for an accurate representation of the features of the energy system at each point in time. As a consequence, POTEnCIA can provide consistent time series of different futures of the energy system, explicitly quantifying also the costs of stranded investment and early retirement.


[1] Within each sector, the representative economic agent summarises the individual choices of various decision makers under different conditions. This yields a 'representative' consumption profile in the sector in terms of energy related equipment in use, consumer preferences, etc.


Input and parametrization

  • Historical data (JRC-IDEES)
  • Demographic assumptions (Eurostat)
  • Macroeconomic assumptions (DG ECFIN; GEM-E3)
  • International fuel prices (POLES)

Main output

  • Energy balances
  • Detailed CO2 emissions (ETS explicitly addressed)
  • Energy System costs and prices
  • Activity indicators
  • Installed equipment capacities, characteristics and rate of use (both for the demand and the supply side)
  • Dynamic technology improvements by Member States (depending on policy assumptions). 

Spatial & Temporal extent

The output has the following spatial-temporal resolution and extent:

Spatial extent / country coverageEU Member states 27 and UK
Spatial resolutionNational
Temporal extentLong-term (more than 15 years)
Temporal resolutionYears

Quality & Transparency


Model uncertainties

Models are by definition affected by uncertainties (in input data, input parameters, scenario definitions, etc.). Have the model uncertainties been quantified? Are uncertainties accounted for in your simulations?

POTEnCIA is a deterministic model. Additionally, policy uncertainty is covered by running multiple scenarios in a what-if fashion.

    Sensitivity analysis

    Sensitivity analysis helps identifying the uncertain inputs mostly responsible for the uncertainty in the model responses. Has the model undergone sensitivity analysis?

    Sensitivity analysis is carried out within the framework of comparative scenario assessments done with POTEnCIA. Typical cases include sensitivities on energy commodity price trajectories

      Have model results been published in peer-reviewed articles?


        Has the model formally undergone scientific review by a panel of international experts?

        Please note that this does not refer to the cases when model results were validated by stakeholders.

        EC internal validation (during 2016 and 2017). External peer-review 2016.

          Model validation

          Has model validation been done? Have model predictions been confronted with observed data (ex-post)?

          not applicable
          POTEnCIA is not designed to perform predictions but rather comparative scenario analysis.


            To what extent do input data come from publicly available sources?

            This may include sources accessible upon subscription and/or payment

            Based on both publicly available and restricted-access sources

            Is the full model database as such available to external users?

            Whether or not it implies a specific procedure or a fee


            Have model results been presented in publicly available reports?

            Note this excludes IA reports.


            For details please refer to the 'peer review for model validation' documents in the bibliographic references

            Have output datasets been made publicly available?

            Note this could also imply a specific procedure or a fee.

            Final scenario results, upon agreement with other Commission services

              Is there any user friendly interface presenting model results that is accessible to the public?

              For instance: Dashboard, interactive interfaces...


                Has the model been documented in a publicly available dedicated report or a manual?

                Note this excludes IA reports.


                Is there a dedicated public website where information about the model is provided?


                Is the model code open-source?


                Can the code be accessed upon request?


                The model’s policy relevance and intended role in the policy cycle

                The model is designed to contribute to the following policy areas

                • Climate action
                • Energy
                • Environment
                • Transport

                The model is designed to contribute to the following phases of the policy cycle

                • Anticipation – such as foresight and horizon scanning
                • Evaluation – such as ex-post evaluation
                • Formulation – such as ex-ante Impact Assessments

                The model’s potential

                POTEnCIA is designed to assess the impacts of alternative energy and climate policies on the energy sector, under different hypotheses about surrounding conditions within the energy markets. It can be used to analyse the effects of:

                • existing and proposed legislation (EU wide and/or Member State specific) related to energy production and use;
                • policies accelerating or delaying technology progress and deployment, as well as introducing standards and/or labelling;
                • greenhouse gases reduction  policies;
                • policies aiming at the increased use of renewable energy sources;
                • policies focusing on increased efficiency of energy use;
                • policies promoting the use of alternative fuels;
                • different pricing regimes and taxation policies;
                • price peaks caused by scarcity of certain energy carriers;
                • different regimes for the electricity market related to decentralisation and liberalisation;
                • alternative behaviours of representative agents (both energy suppliers and consumers) affecting both their investment decisions and use of equipment;
                • policies related to the development of energy networks (including the impact of modifications in the cross-country interconnection capacities).


                Previous use of the model in ex-ante impact assessments of the European Commission

                Use of the model in ex-ante impact assessments since July 2017.

                SWD/2024/63 final

                Impact Assessment Report Part 1 Accompanying the document Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions Securing our future Europe's 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050 building a sustainable, just and prosperous society

                Lead by
                Run by
                European Commission
                Contribution role
                baseline and assessment of policy options
                Contribution details

                POTEnCIA developed a set of specific scenarios representing the individual policy options considered in the Impact Assessment, for the comparison of options for the evolution of the energy system as a whole in its trajectory towards 2050. The scenarios provide detail on a number of key aspects such as the penetration of renewables in power generation, the pace of electrification (direct and indirect through new synthetic fuels) of energy demand, the penetration of key decarbonisation options such as carbon capture technologies, as well as economic indicators including an assessment of investment needs, and overall energy system costs.

                Bibliographic references

                Studies that uses the model or its results

                No references in this category

                Peer review for model validation

                POTEnCIA technical peer-review: Related documents

                Published in 2017
                Soria Ramirez, A., editor(s), POTEnCIA technical peer-review: Related documents, European Commission, 2017, JRC108360.

                Model documentation

                POTEnCIA: A new EU-wide energy sector model 

                Published in 2017
                Mantzos, L., Matei, N., Rózsai, M., Russ, H. and Soria Ramirez, A., POTEnCIA: A new EU-wide energy sector model, In: 2017 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 06-09 June 2017, TU Dresden Auditorium Center, Dresden, Germany, 2017 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 2017, ISBN 978-1-5090-5499-2, ISSN 2165-4093, JRC106760.

                POTEnCIA model description : version 0.9. 

                Published in 2016
                Mantzos L, Wiesenthal T, Kourti I, Matei N, Navajas Cawood E, Papafragkou A, Rózsai M, Russ H, Soria Ramirez A. POTEnCIA model description - version 0.9. EUR 27768. European Commission; 2016. JRC100638

                Other related documents

                POTEnCIA CETO 2024 scenario : energy system modelling for clean energy technology scenarios. 

                Published in 2024
                European Commission: Joint Research Centre, NEUWAHL, F., WEGENER, M., SALVUCCI, R., JAXA-ROZEN, M., GEA BERMUDEZ, J., SIKORA, P. and RÓZSAI, M., Clean Energy Technology Observatory: POTEnCIA CETO 2024 Scenario, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2024, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2760/1473321, JRC139836.

                The POTEnCIA Central scenario: an EU energy outlook to 2050 

                Published in 2019
                Mantzos, L., Wiesenthal, T., Neuwahl, F. and Rózsai, M., The POTEnCIA Central scenario: an EU energy outlook to 2050, EUR 29881 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019, ISBN 978-92-76-12010-0 (online),978-92-76-12009-4 (print), doi:10.2760/32835 (online),10.2760/78212 (print), JRC118353.

                The JRC Integrated Database of the European Energy System

                Published in 2018
                Mantzos, L., Matei, N., Mulholland, E., Rózsai, M., Tamba, M. and Wiesenthal, T., The JRC Integrated Database of the European Energy System , European Commission, 2018, JRC112474.