Land Use Integrated Sustainability Assessment
Fact Sheet

Source: Commission modelling inventory and knowledge management system (MIDAS)

Date of Report Generation: Thu Mar 06 2025

Dissemination: Public

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Full title

Land Use Integrated Sustainability Assessment

Main purpose

A territorial modelling platform primarily used for the ex-ante evaluation of EC policies that have a direct or indirect territorial impact.


The LUISA Territorial Modelling Platform is primarily used for the ex-ante evaluation of EC policies that have a direct or indirect territorial impact. It is based on the concept of ‘land function’ for cross-sector integration and for the representation of complex system dynamics. Beyond a traditional land use model, LUISA adopts a new approach towards activity-based modelling based upon the endogenous dynamic allocation of population, services and activities.

LUISA can be configured to project a baseline (or reference) scenario, assuming official socio-economic trends (from DG ECFIN and EUROSTAT), business as usual processes, and the effect of established European policies with direct and/or indirect territorial impacts. Variations to that reference scenario may be used to estimate impacts of specific policies, or of alternative macro-assumptions. This highly flexible and customisable structure of LUISA makes it a suitable tool for providing insights to policy-makers in Europe regarding landscape, urban areas, investment policies, environment and, more broadly, aspects pertaining to sustainability and territorial cohesion.

LUISA is based upon the notion of land function – a new concept for cross-sector integration and for representing complex system dynamics. LUISA aims to contribute to the understanding, modelling and assessment of the impacts of land functions dynamics as they interact from local to global scales in the context of multiple and changing drivers. A land function can, for example, be  societal (e.g. provision of housing, leisure and recreation), economic (e.g. provision of production factors - employment, investments, energy – or provision of manufacturing products and services – food, fuels, consumer goods, etc) or environmental (e.g. provision of ecosystem services). Land functions are temporally and spatially dynamic, and are constrained and driven by natural, socio-economic, and techno-economic processes. The ultimate product of LUISA is a set of spatially explicit indicators that can be combined according to the ‘function’ of interest and/or to the sector under assessment.

This is notably a wider notion of just “land use modelling” and of what so far has been referred to in literature.

The LUISA Modelling platform is a de-facto integrative tool because of its coherent linkages with macroeconomic and biophysical models and with thematic databases. The ultimate product of LUISA is a set of territorial indicators that can be grouped and combined according to the ‘function’ of interest and/or to the sector under assessment.

Model categories


Model keywords

dynamic land functionland useterritorial impact assessmentsustainabilityland managementterritorial modelling platformcohesionurban agendaconvergence

Model homepage

Ownership and Licence


EU ownership (European Commission)

Ownership details

Fully owned by JRC.

Licence type

Non-Free Software licence

The license has one or more of the following restrictions: it prohibits creation of derivative works; it prohibits commercial use; it obliges to share the licensed or derivative works on the same conditions.


Structure and approach

The LUISA Territorial Modelling Platform is a system of sub-models designed to assess, ex-ante, the territorial implications of policy decisions. LUISA is composed of multiple interconnected modules that enable it to:

  1. Downscale national and regional information at a finer spatial scale
  2. Compile, harmonize and relate datasets from various sources
  3. Simulate future Land Functions, population distribution and accessibility at a 100m pixel resolution
  4. Bring together information relative to future Land Functions and other sources to produce a range of over 50 indicators
  5. Share model results to external users and provide them with a capacity to analyse results (Urban Data Platform Plus)

The LUISA territorial modelling framework has the capacity to work across spatial scales with various levels of detail and its outputs can be aggregated at any spatial level (from pixel to national scale). For policy support, LUISA’s strength lies in its ability to assess impacts of EU policies that play out because of local interactions between sectors and therefore cannot be observed with typically sector-oriented, spatially-coarse impact assessment approaches.


Input and parametrization

LUISA links specialized models and data within a coherent workflow.

The resource-demand module uses the following outputs to drive the allocation of activities and services:

  • demographic (EUROPOP 2008, 2010, 2013 and updates) and
  • economic projections (from ECFIN and/or from models such as: CAPRI, GEM-E3, RHOMOLO and others)

The allocation module uses a number of spatially explicit parameters at different resolutions (1 x 1 km, 100 x 100 m) in order to define an overall suitability for every modelled land use/cover type. These individual input are called factor maps.

LUISA integrates factor maps related to

  • accessibility measures 
  • land and soil characteristics and
  • topography

In addition, the neighbourhood interactions between land use types are taken into account dynamically, as the land use patterns evolve and change through time.

The definition of policy options requires the development of a range of parameters, which take into account both

  • location specific policies (e.g.: demand for each land use class, zoning maps, region-specific support measures, etc.) and
  • the characteristics of land-use dynamics (e.g.: transition rules, neighbourhood effects, attractiveness etc.).

The actual conversion from the land-use state to a land use state in tn+1 for each location is based on the most suitable land use type for that specific location at that specific time. The land use state in t0 is given by the LUISA Base Map 2012 (currently updated to 2018) derived by a refined version of the CORINE Land Cover map of  2012of 2012.

Main output

The main direct outputs of LUISA are:

  • a simulated map of the land use/cover for a given year in the future;
  • projected population maps at high geographical resolution 
  • detailed accessibility maps

The combination of direct outputs with other data layers and with thematic models further allow the computation of a wide range of indicators, representing the simulated land functions.

Output indicators can be grouped acccording to specific definition of land functions, e.g.:

  • Economic development
  • Demography (including age-class projections)
  • Provision of products
  • Settlement and infrastructures
  • Transport and Accessibility
  • Resource Efficiency
  • Environment and Climate
  • Urban and Regional Development

Direct outputs and computed indicators can be aggregated at different geographical level (NUTS or grid based).

Spatial & Temporal extent

The output has the following spatial-temporal resolution and extent:

Spatial extent / country coverageEU Member states 27ALL countries of Europe
LUISA is prepared to make simulations for all EU Member states 27 and UK. It can be set to run individual NUTS1/NUTS2 or individual countries alone. In addition, the model can run all EU Member states 27 and UK by batching all countries-runs. Each NUTS2 is dealt as a single allocation problems, and results for all Europe are the aggregation of the individual results obtained for each NUTS2. Consequently, it is actually possible to work with irregular regions of interest, composed of any configuration of NUTS2. The model is being extended to cover new Member States of the European Union or to other neighbour countries of interest for which CORINE Land Cover 2012 (or comparable map) is available. A specific version of LUISA has been applied for the whole African continent.
Spatial resolutionNationalSub-national (NUTS2)Sub-national (NUTS3)Sub-national (other)MunicipalityRegular Grid < 1kmRegular Grid 1km - 10km
Temporal extentLong-term (more than 15 years)
The land allocation module of LUISA requires a calibration which is based on the observed/historical land use/cover changes, as reported by the CORINE Land Cover set of maps (1990, 2000, 2006 and 2012). As currently configured, the allocation module runs from 2015, producing yearly results up to 2050. However, the runs can be extended 10 or 20 more years as long as demand is provided for the land use/cover types of interest.
Temporal resolutionYearsMultiple years

Quality & Transparency


Model uncertainties

Models are by definition affected by uncertainties (in input data, input parameters, scenario definitions, etc.). Have the model uncertainties been quantified? Are uncertainties accounted for in your simulations?

Comparison with similar model (see reference).

    Sensitivity analysis

    Sensitivity analysis helps identifying the uncertain inputs mostly responsible for the uncertainty in the model responses. Has the model undergone sensitivity analysis?

    Currently ongoing.

      Have model results been published in peer-reviewed articles?

      Paper on models comparison published.

        Has the model formally undergone scientific review by a panel of international experts?

        Please note that this does not refer to the cases when model results were validated by stakeholders.


          Model validation

          Has model validation been done? Have model predictions been confronted with observed data (ex-post)?

          Historical check.


            To what extent do input data come from publicly available sources?

            This may include sources accessible upon subscription and/or payment

            Entirely based on publicly available sources

            Is the full model database as such available to external users?

            Whether or not it implies a specific procedure or a fee


              Have model results been presented in publicly available reports?

              Note this excludes IA reports.


              For details please refer to the 'peer review for model validation' documents in the bibliographic references

              Have output datasets been made publicly available?

              Note this could also imply a specific procedure or a fee.


              Is there any user friendly interface presenting model results that is accessible to the public?

              For instance: Dashboard, interactive interfaces...


              Has the model been documented in a publicly available dedicated report or a manual?

              Note this excludes IA reports.

              Model documentation is available in the report: The LUISA Territorial Reference Scenario 2017.

              Is there a dedicated public website where information about the model is provided?


              Is the model code open-source?


              Can the code be accessed upon request?


              The model’s policy relevance and intended role in the policy cycle

              The model is designed to contribute to the following policy areas

              • Agriculture and rural development
              • Climate action
              • Economy, finance and the euro
              • Energy
              • Environment
              • Institutional affairs
              • Regional policy
              • Transport

              The model is designed to contribute to the following phases of the policy cycle

              • Anticipation – such as foresight and horizon scanning
              • Evaluation – such as ex-post evaluation
              • Formulation – such as ex-ante Impact Assessments

              The model’s potential

              As part of the definition, implementation and review of EU policies, legislation and other measures, the European Commission (EC) performs impact assessments to examine potential economic, social and environmental consequences and evaluate options and improve the effectiveness of the EU action.

              The LUISA Territorial modelling platform supports the policy design of different services of the European Commission and provides a comprehensive, consistent and harmonised analysis of the impacts of policies and/or specific proposals.

              In order to provide a coherent and harmonised framework for Impact Assessment procedures accompanying EC initiatives, the Land Use Modelling Platform has been configured to be consistent with the definition of the Reference Scenario, as given in the Climate and Energy package. The Reference Scenario is up-dated according to specific policy implementation, following a phased approach.

              Contributions have already been provided by its predecessor LUMP (Land use modelling platform) in the Impact Assessments (formal and informal) related to CAP, Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Regional Policy, Energy (shale gas and energy package), EU Water Blueprint, and Resource Efficiency Roadmap.

              One of the major milestones in the LUISA development plan is the implementation of a shared EC baseline scenario. The shared baseline scenario includes the full scope of relevant policies assuring coherence among them since it should inform on future prospects in all sectoral domains that are affected by EU policies. Because of its benchmark function, the correct definition and implementation of such a baseline scenario is essential to correctly evaluate EC proposals.

              The medium/long term objective is the complete establishment and operation of the “Integrated Sustainability Assessment Platform” whereby models, methods of assessment and databases are further dynamically integrated, in a coherent framework.

              The LUISA modelling platform supports the policy design of different services of the European Commission and provides a comprehensive, consistent and harmonised analysis of the impacts of policies and/or specific proposals.

              The purpose for which LUISA is most suited for is ex-ante impact assessment of European policies that influence, directly or indirectly land use/cover change. The forecasted land use/cover changes are not only analyzed per se. Land use/cover is an important factor for many  services such as provision of food; fibre and timber; biodiversity; water flows and climate regulation; carbon sequestration; provision of recreational opportunities; accessibility and mobility etc.

              Because of its multi-thematic dimension, LUISA allows the definition and implementation of scenarios (and their potential alternatives) in a consistent manner, ensuring cross-sectoral policy coherency.


              Previous use of the model in ex-ante impact assessments of the European Commission

              Use of the model in ex-ante impact assessments since July 2017.

              SWD/2018/249 final/2

              Impact assessment accompanying the document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council: on minimum requirements for water reuse

              Lead by
              Run by
              European Commission
              Contribution role
              problem definition (indirect)
              Contribution details
              Documented in study :

              The LUISA model provided projections on land use change, used in the study "Impact of a changing climate, land use, and water usage on Europe’s water resources" which supported the problem definition.

              Bibliographic references

              Studies that uses the model or its results

              Territorial Facts and Trends in the EU Rural Areas within 2015-2030 

              Published in 2018
              Perpiña Castillo, C., Kavalov, B., Ribeiro Barranco, R., Diogo, V., Jacobs, C., Batista E Silva, F., Baranzelli, C. and Lavalle, C., Territorial Facts and Trends in the EU Rural Areas within 2015-2030, EUR 29482 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-98121-0 (online), doi:10.2760/525571 (online), JRC114016.

              The Water Retention Index: Using land use planning to manage water resources in Europe 

              Published in 2018
              Vandecasteele, I., Mari Rivero, I., Baranzelli, C., Becker, W., Dreoni, I., Lavalle, C. and Batelaan, O., The Water Retention Index: Using land use planning to manage water resources in Europe, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, ISSN 0968-0802, 26 (2), 2018, p. 122–131, JRC110833.

              Impact of a changing climate, land use, and water usage on water resources in the Danube river basin 

              Published in 2018
              Bisselink, B., Bernhard, J., Gelati, E., Jacobs, C., Adamovic, M., Mentaschi, L., Lavalle, C. and De Roo, A., Impact of a changing climate, land use, and water usage on water resources in the Danube river basin, EUR 29228 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-85888-8 (print),978-92-79-85889-5 (pdf), doi:10.2760/89828 (online),10.2760/561327 (print), JRC111817.

              Development of European NO2 Land Use Regression Model for Present and Future Exposure Assessment: Implications for Policy Analysis 

              Published in 2018
              Vizcaino, M. and Lavalle, C., Development of European NO2 Land Use Regression Model for Present and Future Exposure Assessment: Implications for Policy Analysis, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, ISSN 0269-7491, 240, 2018, p. 140-154, JRC111760.

              The LUISA Territorial Reference Scenario 2017 

              Published in 2017
              Jacobs, C., Pinto Nunes Nogueira Diogo, V., Perpiña Castillo, C., Baranzelli, C., Batista E Silva, F., Rosina, K., Kavalov, B. and Lavalle, C., The LUISA Territorial Reference Scenario 2017, EUR 28800 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017, ISBN 978-92-79-73866-1, doi:10.2760/902121, JRC108163.

              European Territorial Trends - Facts and Prospects for Cities and Regions Ed. 2017 

              Published in 2017
              Lavalle, C., Pontarollo, N., Batista E Silva, F., Baranzelli, C., Jacobs, C., Kavalov, B., Kompil, M., Perpiña Castillo, C., Vizcaino, M., Ribeiro Barranco, R., Vandecasteele, I., Pinto Nunes Nogueira Diogo, V., Aurambout, J., Serpieri, C., Marín Herrera, M., Rosina, K., Ronchi, S. and Auteri, D., European Territorial Trends - Facts and Prospects for Cities and Regions Ed. 2017, EUR 28771 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017, ISBN 978-92-79-79906-8 (print),978-92-79-73428-1 (pdf), doi:10.2760/148283 (online),10.2760/28183 (print), JRC107391.

              A cross-scale impact assessment of European nature protection policies under contrasting future socio-economic pathways. 

              Published in 2017
              Lotze-Campen, H., Verburg, P., Popp, A., Lindner, M., Verkerk, P., Moiseyev, A., Schrammeijer,, E., Helming, J., Tabeau, A., Schulp, C., Van Der Zanden, E., Lavalle, C., Batista E Silva, F., Walz, A. and Bodirsky, B., A cross-scale impact assessment of European nature protection policies under contrasting future socio-economic pathways., REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE, ISSN 1436-3798, 18 (3), 2018, p. 751-762, JRC101148.

              European Regional Energy Balance and Innovation Landscape (EREBILAND) - Energy demand of buildings. Deliverable 4: Case Studies of Optimisation 

              Published in 2016
              Baranzelli C; Aurambout J; Lavalle C. European Regional Energy Balance and Innovation Landscape (EREBILAND) - Energy demand of buildings. Deliverable 4: Case Studies of Optimisation. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2016. JRC104326

              Accessibility and territorial cohesion in a case of transport infrastructure improvements with changing population distributions 

              Published in 2016
              Jacobs C, Batista E Silva F, Lavalle C, Baranzelli C, Lopes Barbosa A, Perpiña Castillo C. Accessibility and territorial cohesion in a case of transport infrastructure improvements with changing population distributions. EUROPEAN TRANSPORT RESEARCH REVIEW 8 (1); 2016. p. 9. JRC91771

              Modelling built-up land take in Europe to 2020: an assessment of the Resource Efficiency Roadmap measure on land 

              Published in 2016
              Barbosa, A., Vallecillo, S., Baranzelli, C., Jacobs-Crisioni, C., Batista e Silva, F., Perpiña-Castillo, C., … Maes, J. (2016). Modelling built-up land take in Europe to 2020: an assessment of the Resource Efficiency Roadmap measure on land. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 60(8), 1439–1463. doi:10.1080/09640568.2016.1221801

              Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services: Trends in ecosystems and ecosystem services in the European Union between 2000 and 2010

              Published in 2015
              Maes J, Fabrega Domenech N, Zulian G, Lopes Barbosa A, Vizcaino Martinez M, Ivits E, Polce C, Vandecasteele I, Mari Rivero I, Bastos De Morais Guerra C, Perpiña Castillo C, Vallecillo Rodriguez S, Baranzelli C, Ribeiro Barranco R, Batista E Silva F, Jacobs C, Trombetti M, Lavalle C. Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services: Trends in ecosystems and ecosystem services in the European Union between 2000 and 2010. EUR 27143. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2015. JRC94889

              Climate Impacts in Europe. The JRC PESETA II Project 

              Published in 2014
              Ciscar Martinez J, Feyen L, Soria Ramirez A, Lavalle C, Raes F, Perry M, Nemry F, Demirel H, Rózsai M, Dosio A, Donatelli M, Srivastava A, Fumagalli D, Niemeyer S, Shrestha S, Ciaian P, Himics M, Van Doorslaer B, Barrios S, Ibanez Rivas J, Forzieri G, Rojas Mujica R, Bianchi A, Dowling P, Camia A, Liberta` G, San-Miguel-Ayanz J, De Rigo D, Caudullo G, Barredo Cano J, Paci D, Pycroft J, Saveyn B, Van Regemorter D, Revesz T, Vandyck T, Vrontisi Z, Baranzelli C, Vandecasteele I, Batista E Silva F, Ibarreta Ruiz D, authors Ciscar Martinez J, editor. Climate Impacts in Europe. The JRC PESETA II Project . EUR 26586. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2014. JRC87011

              Spatially-resolved Assessment of Land and Water Use Scenarios for Shale Gas Development: Poland and Germany 

              Published in 2013
              Lavalle C, Baranzelli C, Vandecasteele I, Ribeiro Barranco R, Mari Rivero I, Sala S, Perez Ballesta P, Borowiak A, De Roo A, Field R, Burek P, Gawlik B, Pelletier N. Spatially-resolved Assessment of Land and Water Use Scenarios for Shale Gas Development: Poland and Germany. EUR 26085. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2013. JRC83619

              A multi-criteria optimisation of scenarios for the protection of water resources in Europe: Support to the EU Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Waters 

              Published in 2012
              De Roo A, Burek P, Gentile A, Udias A, Bouraoui F, Aloe A, Bianchi A, La Notte A, Kuik O, Elorza Tenreiro J, Vandecasteele I, Mubareka S, Baranzelli C, Van Der Perk M, Lavalle C, Bidoglio G. A multi-criteria optimisation of scenarios for the protection of water resources in Europe: Support to the EU Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Waters. EUR 25552 EN. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2012. JRC75919

              Evaluation of the effectiveness of Natural Water Retention Measures - Support to the EU Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Waters 

              Published in 2012
              Burek P, Mubareka S, Rojas Mujica R, De Roo A, Bianchi A, Baranzelli C, Lavalle C, Vandecasteele I. Evaluation of the effectiveness of Natural Water Retention Measures - Support to the EU Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Waters . EUR 25551 EN. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2012. JRC75938

              Peer review for model validation

              Assessing uncertainties in land cover projections 

              Published in 2016
              Alexander P; Prestele R; Verburg P; Arneth A; Baranzelli C; Batista E Silva F; Brown C; Butler A; Calvin K; Dendoncker N; Doelman J; Dunford R; Engstrom K; Eitelberg D; Fujimori S; Harrison P; Hasegawa T; Havlik P; Holzhauer S; Humpenoder F; Jacobs C; Jain A; Krisztin T; Kyle P; Lavalle C; Lenton T; Liu J; Meiyappan P; Popp A; Powell T; Sands R; Schaldach R; Stehfest E; Steinbuks J; Tabeau A; Meijl H; Rounsevell M; Wise M. Assessing uncertainties in land cover projections. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 23 (2); 2017. p. 767-781. JRC97276

              Model documentation

              The LUISA Territorial Reference Scenario 2017 

              Published in 2017
              Jacobs, C., Pinto Nunes Nogueira Diogo, V., Perpiña Castillo, C., Baranzelli, C., Batista E Silva, F., Rosina, K., Kavalov, B. and Lavalle, C., The LUISA Territorial Reference Scenario 2017, EUR 28800 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017, ISBN 978-92-79-73866-1, doi:10.2760/902121, JRC108163.

              Other related documents

              Resilience of large investments and critical infrastructures in Europe to climate change

              Published in 2015
              Forzieri G, Bianchi A, Marín Herrera M, Batista E Silva F, Feyen L, Lavalle C. Resilience of large investments and critical infrastructures in Europe to climate change. EUR 27598. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2015. JRC98159

              Estimating Demand for Industrial and Commercial Land Use Given Economic Forecasts

              Published in 2014
              Batista E Silva F, Koomen E, Diogo V, Lavalle C. Estimating Demand for Industrial and Commercial Land Use Given Economic Forecasts. PLOS ONE 9 (3); 2014. p. e91991. JRC83602

              The Reference Scenario in the LUISA platform – Updated configuration 2014 Towards a Common Baseline Scenario for EC Impact Assessment procedures 

              Published in 2014
              Baranzelli C, Jacobs C, Batista E Silva F, Perpiña Castillo C, Lopes Barbosa A, Arevalo Torres J, Lavalle C. The Reference Scenario in the LUISA platform – Updated configuration 2014 Towards a Common Baseline Scenario for EC Impact Assessment procedures. EUR 27019. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2014. JRC94069

              Methods for Regional Integrated Assessment: High resolution gridded emission distribution in the LUISA Platform 

              Published in 2014
              Trombetti M, Pisoni E, Maes J, Lavalle C, Thunis P. Methods for Regional Integrated Assessment: High resolution gridded emission distribution in the LUISA Platform . EUR 27005. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2014. JRC93813

              Simulation of EU Policies and Evaluation of their Territorial Impacts Urban development and accessibility indicators: methods and preliminary results. An application of the Reference Scenario in the LUISA platform – Updated Configuration 2014 

              Published in 2014
              Lopes Barbosa A, Jacobs C, Aurambout J, Batista E Silva F, Ribeiro Barranco R, Baranzelli C, Perpiña Castillo C, Kompil M, Vandecasteele I, Lavalle C. Simulation of EU Policies and Evaluation of their Territorial Impacts Urban development and accessibility indicators: methods and preliminary results. An application of the Reference Scenario in the LUISA platform – Updated Configuration 2014. EUR 27014. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2014. JRC94015

              Indicators and trends for EU urban areas Data and methods in the LUISA platform in support to EU Urban and Regional Policy 

              Published in 2014
              Ribeiro Barranco R, Aurambout J, Batista E Silva F, Marín Herrera M, Jacobs C, Lavalle C. Indicators and trends for EU urban areas Data and methods in the LUISA platform in support to EU Urban and Regional Policy. EUR 27006. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2014. JRC93888

              Configuration of a reference scenario for the land use modelling platform 

              Published in 2013
              Lavalle C, Mubareka S, Perpiña Castillo C, Jacobs C, Baranzelli C, Batista E Silva F, Vandecasteele I. Configuration of a reference scenario for the land use modelling platform. EUR 26050. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publication Office of the European Union; 2013. JRC80684

              Land Use Related Indicators for Resource Efficiency - Part I Land Take Assessment An analytical framework for assessment of the land milestone proposed in the road map for resource efficiency. 

              Published in 2013
              Lavalle C, Lopes Barbosa A, Mubareka S, Jacobs C, Baranzelli C, Perpiña Castillo C. Land Use Related Indicators for Resource Efficiency - Part I Land Take Assessment An analytical framework for assessment of the land milestone proposed in the road map for resource efficiency.. EUR 26083. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2013. JRC81897

              Direct and Indirect Land Use Impacts of the EU Cohesion Policy. Assessment with the Land Use Modelling Platform 

              Published in 2013
              Batista E Silva F, Lavalle C, Jacobs C, Ribeiro Barranco R, Zulian G, Maes J, Baranzelli C, Perpiña Castillo C, Vandecasteele I, Ustaoglu E, Lopes Barbosa A, Mubareka S. Direct and Indirect Land Use Impacts of the EU Cohesion Policy. Assessment with the Land Use Modelling Platform. EUR 26460. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2013. JRC87823

              Implementation of the CAP Policy Options with the Land Use Modelling Platform - A first indicator-based analysis 

              Published in 2011
              Lavalle C, Baranzelli C, Mubareka S, Rocha Gomes C, Hiederer R, Batista E Silva F, Estreguil C. Implementation of the CAP Policy Options with the Land Use Modelling Platform - A first indicator-based analysis . EUR 24909 EN. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2011. JRC66060

              Coastal Zones - Policy alternatives impacts on European Coastal Zones 2000 - 2050 

              Published in 2011
              Lavalle C, Rocha Gomes C, Baranzelli C, Batista E Silva F. Coastal Zones - Policy alternatives impacts on European Coastal Zones 2000 - 2050. EUR 24792 EN. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2011. JRC64456