EUROMOD Microsimulation
Fact Sheet

Source: Commission modelling inventory and knowledge management system (MIDAS)

Date of Report Generation: Thu Mar 06 2025

Dissemination: Public

© European Union, 2025

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Full title

EUROMOD Microsimulation

Main purpose

A static tax benefit microsimulation model, covering the EU Member States, used to assess the budgetary and distributional consequences of consolidated and prospective policy reforms.


EUROMOD is a static tax-benefit microsimulation model. Originally maintained, developed and managed by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), since 2021 EUROMOD is maintained, developed and managed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, in collaboration with EUROSTAT and national teams from the EU countries. The project is financially supported by DG EMPL, DG ECFIN, DG TAXUD and DG REFORM.

EUROMOD covers all European countries in a consistent manner, allowing for flexibility of the analyses and comparability of the results. EUROMOD combines information on policy rules with detailed and representative micro-data on individual and household circumstances drawn from the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC). The simulations cover a large part of the tax and benefit components of household disposable income, in particular direct taxes and non-contributory cash benefits. The components of disposable income which are not simulated are taken directly from the data. Additionally, a specific EUROMOD module allows performing simulations based on hypothetical household data, a synthetic set of microdata where family and labour market characteristics are defined by the user.

EUROMOD can be used for policy formulation or evaluation, to analyse the effects of actual and prospective changes in tax-benefit policies over time, studying for example their budgetary implications, the effects on poverty and inequality and the impact on work incentives.

A EUROMOD extension (Indirect Tax Tool) allowing the simulation of indirect taxes is currently under testing. The JRC intends to incorporate it to the public version of EUROMOD in the near future.

Model categories


Model keywords


Model homepage

Ownership and Licence


Co-ownership (EU & third parties)

Ownership details

European Union, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex. Between 2004 and 2018, EUROMOD was developed, managed, maintained and updated by the Microsimulation Unit of the Institute for Social and Economic Research, based at the University of Essex, with support and funding of the European Union. Since 2018, EUROMOD has been co-developed by the University of Essex and by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. The intellectual property rights, including copyright, on EUROMOD are jointly owned by the University of Essex and the European Union. The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission has taken over the sole responsibility for the further development, management, maintenance and update of EUROMOD as of January 2021. The transfer of EUROMOD has been a joint effort by DG EMPL together with DG ECFIN, DG TAXUD, DG REFORM, DG ESTAT and DG JRC.

Licence type

Free Software licence

The license grants freedom to run the programme for any purpose; freedom to run the program for any purpose; freedom to study (by accessing the source code) how the program works, and change it so it does enable computing; freedom to redistribute copies; and freedom to distribute copies of modified versions to others.


Structure and approach

For a complete overview of EUROMOD readers are invited to consult  Sutherland and Figari (2013), "EUROMOD: The European Union Tax-Benefit Microsimulation Model", International journal of microsimulation, 6(1) 4-26". The paper is the main source of information for the following sections (Detail on EUROMOD structure and approach; Input and parameters).

EUROMOD is a static tax-benefit calculator that allows the simulation of tax liabilities and benefit entitlements for a representative sample of households and individuals in each EU Member State and the UK (up to 2020). The model is static and non-behavioural, in the sense that it does not take into account socio-demographic changes and behavioural responses of individuals. The scope of EUROMOD simulations includes Personal Income Tax, Social Insurance Contributions paid by employees, self-employed and employers and most non-contributory benefits. Contributory benefits (e.g. pensions) are usually not simulated because of lack of relevant information (e.g. contribution history) in the underlying data. Nevertheless, some contributory benefits such as unemployment benefits are simulated making use of assumptions where needed. For those not simulated, the values collected in the underlying data are used and included in the concept of disposable income.

Depending on when a country module was first introduced in EUROMOD, the first policy system included in the model varies from 2005 to 2007 (2011 for Croatia). All the following policy systems are included up to the current year (2021) with the exception of the UK, which is updated until 2020. 

EUROMOD baseline simulations are validated and tested both at a micro level (i.e. case-by-case validation) and at macro level (comparing aggregate amounts and recipients/payers with official statistics). A similar process is applied to income distribution and poverty statistics. The results of the validation exercises are reported in the Country Reports (available on the EUROMOD web pages). 

Although EUROMOD simulations usually assume full benefit take up and full tax-compliance,  adjustments for benefit non take-up and/or tax evasion are simulated in a number of country modules. Such adjustments are modelled in a transparent way that can be activated or deactivated by users. 

EUROMOD code is written in C# and compiled. Users use the model through a standalone user interface, programmed using Microsoft .net Framework.

See Sutherland and Figari (2013) for a complete overview of EUROMOD.

Input and parametrization

EUROMOD input datasets are usually derived from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), as harmonised by EUROSTAT. In some cases the EU-SILC is enriched using variables contained in the national SILC surveys, which are the basis for the harmonised version. In some other cases the national SILC surveys are used directly. The EUROMOD input datasets include the following key inputs:

  • demographics at household and individual level
  • labour market characteristics
  • gross incomes from market and other income sources (i.e. pensions, public transfers and private incomes)

A network of teams of national experts also collects information on the policy rules in place in each country each year.

The original survey data undergo a process of transformation and imputation before being used as EUROMOD input dataset. In particular, a process of imputation aimed at “splitting” the aggregated benefit variables provided in EU-SILC is applied. The process is described in the EUROMOD country reports. In addition, variables are renamed to follow the EUROMOD naming conventions (aimed at improving cross-country comparability).

The income variables contained in a EUROMOD input dataset are uprated using specific uprating factors when the year to which the income variables refers to differs from the tax-benefit systems to be simulated.

Starting from 2021, EUROSTAT and JRC, with the agreement of the National Statistical Institutes, are gradually implementing a new data production workflow. It consists in EUROSTAT producing and distributing to National teams a new dataset called EUROMOD SILC Database (EMSD) containing the harmonised EU-SILC already enriched with selected variables form national SILC and information derived from the SILC production database (PDB). The new data workflow simplifies the process of accessing Nationals SILC variables and the dissemination of the EUROMOD input data among users.

See Sutherland and Figari (2013) for a complete overview of EUROMOD.

Main output

The output microdata contains information on the:

  • demographic characteristics of individuals and households, as well as their financial circumstances
  • simulated and non-simulated tax-benefit instruments
  • disposable income.

The information contained in the output microdata can be analysed using built-in plugins (Statistics Presenter and In-depth analysis) or other statistical software (such as R or STATA).  

Spatial & Temporal extent

The output has the following spatial-temporal resolution and extent:

Spatial extent / country coverageEU Member states 27
Spatial resolutionNationalSub-national (NUTS2)
Individual and household level
Temporal extentMedium-term (5 to 15 years)
2005 – current year (8 countries); 2006 – current year (17 countries); 2007-current year (26 countries); 2011-current year (27 countries); 2005-2020 (UK)
Temporal resolutionMinutes

Quality & Transparency


Model uncertainties

Models are by definition affected by uncertainties (in input data, input parameters, scenario definitions, etc.). Have the model uncertainties been quantified? Are uncertainties accounted for in your simulations?

Deterministic model. Users can design uncertainty through simulating various scenarios.

    Sensitivity analysis

    Sensitivity analysis helps identifying the uncertain inputs mostly responsible for the uncertainty in the model responses. Has the model undergone sensitivity analysis?

    not applicable
    Due to the nature of the model this does not apply.

      Have model results been published in peer-reviewed articles?

      The EUROMOD website has a (regularly updated) database that gathers journal articles, working papers, reports and book chapters in which EUROMOD has been used.

      Has the model formally undergone scientific review by a panel of international experts?

      Please note that this does not refer to the cases when model results were validated by stakeholders.


        Model validation

        Has model validation been done? Have model predictions been confronted with observed data (ex-post)?

        Simulation results are validated against official statistics. The validation process is documented in a series of country reports.


          To what extent do input data come from publicly available sources?

          This may include sources accessible upon subscription and/or payment

          Entirely based on publicly available sources

          Is the full model database as such available to external users?

          Whether or not it implies a specific procedure or a fee

          Underlying input data are made available by the European Commission (for EU member states) to researchers who have a EUROMOD-related Research Project Proposal (RPP) approved by EUROSTAT. See EUROMOD website for more information. However, the model also runs with hypothetical data created by the user, for which no authorization is needed. Additionally, users can create their own input microdata based on other sources, e.g. administrative registers.

            Have model results been presented in publicly available reports?

            Note this excludes IA reports.


            Have output datasets been made publicly available?

            Note this could also imply a specific procedure or a fee.

            Output microdata can be only shared among approved researchers. However, aggregate indicators derived from the output microdata can be made publicly available, as long as they respect the confidentiality rules set by the data providers. Selected indicators are made available in the EUROMOD website.

              Is there any user friendly interface presenting model results that is accessible to the public?

              For instance: Dashboard, interactive interfaces...

              Has the model been documented in a publicly available dedicated report or a manual?

              Note this excludes IA reports.

              The coding of all tax-benefit policies is visible for the users. The model structure is documented in built-in help and user documentation included in the model. Model simulations and content are described in country reports publicly available on the EUROMOD website. The process of data manipulation for the creation of the EUROMOD input dataset is described in the Data Requirement Documents (DRDs), provided together with the EUROMOD input datasets.

              Is there a dedicated public website where information about the model is provided?

              Is the model code open-source?

              The source code is available in GitHub. Detailed Instructions on how to download and install all components of EUROMOD are available from the EUROMOD website.

              Can the code be accessed upon request?

              not applicable

              The model’s policy relevance and intended role in the policy cycle

              The model is designed to contribute to the following policy areas

              • Economy, finance and the euro

              The model is designed to contribute to the following phases of the policy cycle

              • Evaluation – such as ex-post evaluation
              • Formulation – such as ex-ante Impact Assessments

              The model’s potential

              EUROMOD is unique in being a research tool that is relevant not only at national level and as an integrated tool for European comparative social science research, but also as a model of the EU as a whole. EUROMOD brings a distinctive economic research on the redistributive effects of tax-benefit policies across Europe.

              The JRC has developed an interaction of EUROMOD with the DG ECFIN model QUEST in close collaboration with DG ECFIN and ZEW-Mannheim (see Barrios et al., 2016). Published JRC research includes analyses of in-work tax expenditures for low income workers (see Barrios et al., 2015) and contributions to the Commission Tax reforms in the EU Member States report (see European Commission 2014, 2015). EUROMOD is also used in combination with the GEM-E3 model to analyse the distributional impact of green taxes. EUROMOD provides also the micro-parameters needed to run the EDGE-M3 model.

              The model has increasingly been used by the Commission services over the past few years. DG EMPL uses results from the model for its Quarterly and Annual reports on Employment and Social Developments in Europe (European Commission 2018) and different research notes delivered in the context of the Social Situation Monitor are based on EUROMOD. EUROMOD based simulations are also used by DG ECFIN in the Report on Public Finances in EMU (European Commission 2017). EUROMOD is also used by ESTAT for the production of the flash estimates on income and poverty: Improved timeliness in the data production and the flash estimates using EUROMOD are part of a two-pillar strategy in order to ensure more recent data for income indicators for policy making. The use of the EUROMOD model for the provision of near-real time information on income indicators is therefore critical in the context of the European Semester. The JRC uses the model in cooperation with policy DGs, in particular DG ECFIN, DG TAXUD, DG EMPL and the SRSS. Since 2015 the JRC contributes to the preparation of the Country reports for the European Semester and produces regular notes also circulated in other policy DGs (the so-called “In-depth analyses of tax reforms using the EUROMOD model”). These notes were extensively used in the Country reports of the European Semester. EUROMOD has also been used for the Social Impact Assessment of the third Greek Stabilisation programme in cooperation with DG EMPL and DG REFORM for the assessment of the reform of the personal income system in Greece in 2015 and 2016. EUROMOD has also been used to provide technical assistance to the Greek Ministry of Finance (2018-2021) and it is currently being used for technical support to Romania, Lithuania and Slovakia (since 2020).

              Work with DG TAXUD extended the model to improve the coverage of wealth taxation and for future analyses of tax shifting between corporate income taxes and personal income taxes. The model has been extended to account for labour supply adjustment combining EUROMOD and an econometrically estimated labour supply model. This extension covers all the EU Member States. The JRC is also currently extending the model to cover consumption taxation (VAT and excises). The model provided also input to a study on the fiscal impact of migration (2020) in cooperation with IIASA.

              The JRC has developed a "simplified" version of EUROMOD, based on a web interface, which can be accessed upon request by researchers and policy analysts.

              EUROMOD has been used extensively to assess, among others, the extent to which policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis in Member States have cushioned household incomes losses during the pandemic. The Commission Staff Working Documents analysing the recovery and resilience plans of several Member States (June 2021) cite this work.


              Previous use of the model in ex-ante impact assessments of the European Commission

              Use of the model in ex-ante impact assessments since July 2017.

              SWD/2021/643 final

              Impact assessment accompanying the document Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council: establishing a carbon border adjustment mechanism

              Lead by
              Run by
              European Commission
              Contribution role
              baseline and assessment of policy options
              Contribution details

              The model helped to assess the following impacts:

              • Consumer's ability to benefit from the internal market or to access goods and services from outside the EU
              • Prices, quality, availability or choice of consumer goods and services
              • Impact on vulnerable consumers
              • Impact on jobs
              • Impact on jobs in specific sectors, professions, regions or countries
              • Wages, labour costs or wage setting mechanisms
              • Households income and at risk of poverty rates
              • Inequalities and the distribution of incomes and wealth
              • Financing and organisation of social protection systems

              SWD/2021/641 final

              Impact assessment accompanying the document Proposal for a Council Directive: restructuring the Union framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity (recast)

              Lead by
              Run by
              European Commission
              Contribution role
              baseline and assessment of policy options
              Contribution details

              The model helped to assess the following impacts:

              • Consumer's ability to benefit from the internal market or to access goods and services from outside the EU
              • Prices, quality, availability or choice of consumer goods and services
              • Impact on vulnerable consumers
              • Impact on jobs
              • Impact on jobs in specific sectors, professions, regions or countries
              • Wages, labour costs or wage setting mechanisms
              • Households income and at risk of poverty rates
              • Inequalities and the distribution of incomes and wealth
              • Financing and organisation of social protection systems

              SWD/2021/41 final

              Impact assessment accompanying the document Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council: to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and women through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms

              Lead by
              Run by
              European Commission
              Contribution role
              baseline and assessment of policy options
              Contribution details

              The model helped to assess the following impacts:

              • Budgetary consequences for public authorities
              • Households income and at risk of poverty rates
              • Inequalities and the distribution of incomes and wealth
              • Specific effects on particular risk groups
              • Impacts on gender equality and on the most vulnerable groups of society, including persons with disabilities

              SWD/2020/245 final

              Impact assessment accompanying the document Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council: on adequate minimum wages in the European Union

              Lead by
              Run by
              European Commission
              Contribution role
              baseline and assessment of policy options
              Contribution details

              The model helped to assess the following impacts:

              • Budgetary consequences for public authorities
              • Economic growth and employment
              • Impact on jobs
              • Impact on jobs in specific sectors, professions, regions or countries
              • Wages, labour costs or wage setting mechanisms
              • Households income and at risk of poverty rates
              • Inequalities and the distribution of incomes and wealth

              SWD/2018/070 final

              Impact assessment accompanying the document Proposal for a Council recommendation on: access to social protection for workers and the self-employed

              Lead by
              Run by
              Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini
              Contribution role
              baseline and assessment of policy options (indirect)
              Contribution details
              Documented in study :

              The model helped to assess the following impacts:

              • Employment protection
              • Households income and at risk of poverty rates
              • Inequalities and the distribution of incomes and wealth
              • Financing and organisation of social protection systems

              SWD/2018/070 final

              Impact assessment accompanying the document Proposal for a Council recommendation on: access to social protection for workers and the self-employed

              Lead by
              Run by
              European Commission
              Contribution role
              baseline and assessment of policy options
              Contribution details

              The model helped to assess the following impacts:

              • Employment protection
              • Households income and at risk of poverty rates
              • Inequalities and the distribution of incomes and wealth
              • Financing and organisation of social protection systems

              Bibliographic references

              Studies that uses the model or its results

              Peer review for model validation

              No references in this category

              Model documentation

              No references in this category

              Other related documents

              No references in this category