Source: Commission modelling inventory and knowledge management system (MIDAS)
Date of Report Generation: Thu Mar 06 2025
Dissemination: Public
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Full title
European Gas Market Model
Main purpose
EGMM is a dynamic, multi-market sectoral equilibrium model, simulating the intricate workings of the European natural gas markets, and analyse the impact of policies on the European markets.
REKK’s European Gas Market Model has been developed to simulate the operation of an international wholesale natural gas market in Europe or a broader region. The model covers the EU Member states 27, UK, Switzerland, the EnC Contracting Parties, Turkey and Armenia. The demand and supply side of the gas market, pipeline, LNG and storage infrastructure is included on a country level. Large external markets, such as Russia, Norway, Libya, Algeria and LNG exporters are represented by exogenously assumed market prices, long-term supply contracts and physical connections to Europe.
Given the input data, the model calculates a dynamic competitive market equilibrium for the modelled countries, and returns the market clearing prices, along with the production, consumption and trading quantities, storage utilization decisions and long-term contract deliveries, as well as physical flows on the infrastructure.
Model calculations refer to 12 consecutive months. Dynamic connections between months are introduced by the operation of gas storages and TOP constraints (minimum and maximum deliveries are calculated over the entire 12-month period, enabling contractual “make-up”).
The European Gas Market Model consists of the following building blocks: (1) local demand; (2) local supply; (3) gas storages; (4) external markets and supply sources; (5) cross-border pipeline connections; (6) LNG infrastructure (7) long-term take-or-pay (TOP) contracts; and (8) spot trading.
The model has been useful in assessing:
- Effects of major global developments on the European gas markets (e.g. LNG supply)
- Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of new infrastructure and cross-border cost allocation (CBCA)
- Identifying main risks affecting the realisation of infrastructure projects
- Security of supply modelling
- Effects of various tariff regimes on the European gas market
- Effects of major infrastructure projects and long-term contract delivery point changes on the European gas market
Model categories
Model keywords
natural gasenergy market modellinginfrastructure
Model homepage
Ownership and Licence
Third-party ownership (commercial companies, Member States, other organisations, …)
Ownership details
Licence type
Non-Free Software licence
The license has one or more of the following restrictions: it prohibits creation of derivative works; it prohibits commercial use; it obliges to share the licensed or derivative works on the same conditions.
Structure and approach
The European Gas Market Model consists of the following building blocks:
- Local demand is represented by demand functions. Demand functions are downward sloping, meaning that higher prices decrease the amount of gas that consumers want to use in a given period. For simplicity, we use a linear functional form, the consequence of which is that every time the market price increases by 0.1 €/MWh, local monthly consumption is reduced by equal quantities (as opposed to equal percentages, for example). The linearity and price responsiveness of local demand ensures that market clearing prices will always exist in the model. Regardless of how little supply there is in a local market, there will be a high enough price so that the quantity demanded will fall back to the level of quantity supplied, achieving market equilibrium.
- Local supply shows the relationship between the local market price and the amount of gas that local producers are willing to pump into the system at that price. In the model, each supply unit (company, field, or even well) has either a constant, or a linearly increasing marginal cost of production (measured in €/MWh). Supply units operate between minimum and maximum production constraints in each month, and an overall yearly maximum capacity.
- Gas storages are capable of storing natural gas from one period to another, arbitraging away large market price differences across periods. Their effect on the system’s supply-demand balance can be positive or negative, depending on whether gas is withdrawn from, or injected into, the storage. Each local market can contain any number of storage units (companies or fields). Storage units have a constant marginal cost of injection and (separately) of withdrawal. In each month, there are upper limits on total injections and total withdrawals. There is no specific working gas fee, but the model contains a real interest rate for discounting the periods, which automatically ensures that foregone interest costs on working gas inventories are considered. There are three additional constraints on storage operation: (1) working gas capacity; (2) starting inventory level; and (3) year-end inventory level. Injections and withdrawals must be such during the year that working gas capacity is never exceeded, intra-year inventory levels never drop below zero, and year-end inventory levels are met.
- External markets and supply sources are set exogenously (i.e. as input data) for each month, and they are assumed not to be influenced by any supply-demand development in the local markets. In case of LNG the price is derived from the Japanese spot gas price, taking into account the cost of transportation to any possible LNG import terminal. As a consequence, the price levels set for outside markets are important determinants of their trading volumes with Europe.
- Cross-border pipelines allow the transportation of natural gas from one market to the other. Connections between geographically non-neighbouring countries are also possible, which allows the possibility of dedicated transit. Cross-border linkages are directional, but physical reverse flow can easily be allowed for by adding a parallel connection that “points” into the other direction. Each linkage has a minimum and a maximum monthly transmission capacity, as well as a proportional transmission fee. Virtual reverse flow (“backhaul”) on unidirectional pipelines or LNG routes can also be allowed, or forbidden, separately for each connection and each month. The rationale for virtual reverse flow is the possibility to trade “against” the delivery of long-term take-or-pay contracts, by exploiting the fact that reducing a pre-arranged gas flow in the physical direction is the same commercial transaction as selling gas in the reverse direction. Additional upper constraints can be placed on the sum of physical flows (or spot trading activity) of selected connections. This option is used, for example, to limit imports through LNG terminals, without specifying the source of the LNG shipment.
- LNG infrastructure in the model consist of LNG liquefaction plants of exporting countries, LNG regasification plants of importing countries and the transport routes connecting them. LNG terminals capacity is aggregated for each country, which differs from the pipeline setup, where capacity constraints are set for all individual pipeline. LNG capacity constraints are set as a limit for the set of “virtual pipelines” pointing from all exporting countries to a given importing country, and as a limit on the set of pipelines pointing from all importing countries to a given exporting country.
- Long-term take-or-pay (TOP) contracts are agreements between an outside supply source and a local market concerning the delivery of natural gas into the latter. Each contract has monthly and yearly minimum and maximum quantities, a delivery price, and a monthly proportional TOP-violation penalty. Maximum quantities (monthly or yearly) cannot be breached, and neither can the yearly minimum quantity. Deliveries can be reduced below the monthly minimum, in which case the monthly proportional TOP-violation penalty must be paid for the gas that was not delivered. Any number of TOP-contracts can be in force between any two source and destination markets. Monthly TOP-limits, prices, and penalties can be changed from one month to the next. Contract prices can be given exogenously, indexed to internal market prices, or set to a combination of the two options. The delivery routes (the set of pipelines from source to destination) must be specified as input data for each contract. It is possible to divide the delivered quantities among several parallel routes in pre-determined proportions, and routes can also be changed from one month to the next.
- Spot trading serves to arbitrage price differences across markets that are connected with a pipeline or an LNG route. Typically, if the price on the source-side of the connection exceeds the price on the destination-side by more than the proportional transmission fee, then spot trading will occur towards the high-priced market. Spot trading continues until either (1) the price difference drops to the level of the transmission fee, or (2) the physical capacity of the connection is reached. Physical flows on pipelines and LNG routes equal the sum of long-term deliveries and spot trading. When virtual reverse flow is allowed, spot trading can become “negative” (backhaul), meaning that transactions go against the predominant contractual flow. Of course, backhaul can never exceed the contractual flow of the connection.
The European Gas Market Model algorithm reads the input data and searches for the simultaneous supply-demand equilibrium (including storage stock changes and net imports) of all local markets in all months, respecting all the constraints detailed above.
In short, the equilibrium state (the “result”) of the model can be described by a simple no-arbitrage condition across space and time. However, it is instructive to spell out this condition in terms of the behaviour of market participants: consumers, producers and traders. Infrastructure operators (TSO, storage and LNG operator) observe gas flows and their welfare is not factored in the equilibrium.
Welfare calculations are done ex post. The maximized value of the objective function is adjusted to properly account for actual welfare in the market. The operating profit of transmission and storage system operators is added using estimates for their marginal costs, and the expenditure on import contracts is increased by the take-or-pay fixed cost element.
Welfare components are assigned to regional and outside markets based on location. For consumer and local producer surplus, long-term contract profit, storage operating income and congestion rent, the assignment is straightforward. Pipeline operating income is shared in the ratio of entry and exit fees and pipeline congestion rent is shared equally by the neighbouring markets. LNG-related welfare components are assigned to the market hosting the terminal.
Input and parametrization
Data for the modelling scenarios is derived from publicly available sources: infrastructure capacity data on transmission, LNG and storage from Gas Infrastructure Europe, demand and production data from Eurostat and for future forecast from Primes or IEA. For publicly not available data on long term contract prices the foreign trade statistics formed the basis of estimates.
1. Summary of modelling input parameters and data sources
Category |
Data Unit |
Source |
Consumption |
Annual Quantity (TWh/year) Monthly distribution (% of annual quantity) |
PRIMES or Eurostat, supplemented by Energy Community or Eurostat data if applicable |
Production |
Minimum and maximum production (GWh/day) |
PRIMES or Eurostat, supplemented by Energy Community or Eurostat data if applicable |
Pipeline infrastructures |
Daily maximum flow (GWh/day) |
GIE, ENTSO-G, Energy Community data |
Storage infrastructures |
Injection (GWh/day), withdrawal (GWh/day), working gas capacity (TWh) |
LNG infrastructures |
Regasification capacity (GWh/day) |
LTC contracts |
Yearly minimum maximum quantity, Seasonal minimum and maximum quantity |
Gazprom, National Regulators Annual reports, Eurostat, Platts, Cedigaz |
Storage, LNG regasification and transmission tariffs |
€/MWh |
TSO, SSO, LSO webpages |
Main output
Outputs of modelling are the wholesale gas market prices per country and the natural gas flows. Based on those outputs the model also calculated welfare on country and stakeholder level (consumer, producer, traders, infrastructure operators).
Spatial & Temporal extent
The output has the following spatial-temporal resolution and extent:
Parameter | Description |
Spatial extent / country coverage | EU Member states 27SwitzerlandUnited KingdomArmeniaAzerbaijanTurkey |
Energy Community Contracting Parties | |
Spatial resolution | National |
Temporal extent | Very short-term (less than 1 year)Short-term (from 1 to 5 years)Medium-term (5 to 15 years)Long-term (more than 15 years) |
Temporal resolution | Months |
Quality & Transparency
Model uncertainties
Models are by definition affected by uncertainties (in input data, input parameters, scenario definitions, etc.). Have the model uncertainties been quantified? Are uncertainties accounted for in your simulations?
- response
- yes
- details
- Sensitivity runs performed. These are dependent on the context and not the model itself
- url
Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis helps identifying the uncertain inputs mostly responsible for the uncertainty in the model responses. Has the model undergone sensitivity analysis?
- response
- yes
- details
- Sensitivity runs performed. These are dependent on the context and not the model itself
- url
Have model results been published in peer-reviewed articles?
- response
- yes
- details
- url
Has the model formally undergone scientific review by a panel of international experts?
Please note that this does not refer to the cases when model results were validated by stakeholders.
- response
- no
- details
- url
Model validation
Has model validation been done? Have model predictions been confronted with observed data (ex-post)?
- response
- yes
- details
- Ex post Eurostat, ENTSOG flows
- url
To what extent do input data come from publicly available sources?
This may include sources accessible upon subscription and/or payment
- response
- Entirely based on publicly available sources
Is the full model database as such available to external users?
Whether or not it implies a specific procedure or a fee
- response
- no
- details
- Proprietary data collection based on public sources
- url
Have model results been presented in publicly available reports?
Note this excludes IA reports.
- response
- yes
- details
- documents
For details please refer to the 'peer review for model validation' documents in the bibliographic references
Have output datasets been made publicly available?
Note this could also imply a specific procedure or a fee.
- response
- no
- details
- url
Is there any user friendly interface presenting model results that is accessible to the public?
For instance: Dashboard, interactive interfaces...
- response
- no
- details
- url
Has the model been documented in a publicly available dedicated report or a manual?
Note this excludes IA reports.
- response
- yes
- details
- Documentation included in annexes of respective reports
Is there a dedicated public website where information about the model is provided?
- response
- yes
Is the model code open-source?
- response
- no
- details
Can the code be accessed upon request?
- response
- no
- details
The model’s policy relevance and intended role in the policy cycle
The model is designed to contribute to the following policy areas
- Energy
The model is designed to contribute to the following phases of the policy cycle
- Evaluation – such as ex-post evaluation
- Formulation – such as ex-ante Impact Assessments
- Implementation – this also includes monitoring
The model’s potential
The EGMM is a competitive, dynamic, multi-market equilibrium model that simulated the operation of the wholesale natural gas market across the whole of Europe. The model was used to evaluate the infrastructure developments triggered by the implementation of the TEN-E Regulation by measuring benefits (e.g. socio-economic welfare derived from the higher trading opportunities allowed by the new infrastructure). The main purpose of the modelling carried out for this study was to monetise the realised and potential benefits (in term of socio-economic welfare change) of the projects of common interest (PCIs). In addition, based on modelling outcomes, several indicators were calculated in order to illustrate the effect of the TEN-E Regulation on market integration, competition, CO2 emissions and RES integration.
Previous use of the model in ex-ante impact assessments of the European Commission
Use of the model in ex-ante impact assessments since July 2017.
2021SWD/2020/346 final/2
Impact assessment accompanying the document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council: on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure and repealing Regulation (EU) No 347/2013
- Lead by
- Run by
- Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research
- Contribution role
- baseline and assessment of policy options
- Contribution details
The model helped to assess the following impacts:
- Cost/availability of essential inputs (raw materials, machinery, labour, energy, ..)
- Equal treatment of products and businesses
- EU Exports & imports
- Investment flows & trade in services
- Cost of doing business
- Market share & advantages in international context
- Free movement of goods, services, capital and workers
- Competition
- Promotion of academic or industrial research
- Budgetary consequences for public authorities
- Consumer's ability to benefit from the internal market or to access goods and services from outside the EU
- Prices, quality, availability or choice of consumer goods and services
- Safety or sustainability of consumer goods and services
- Impact on vulnerable consumers
- Investments and functioning of markets
- Emission of greenhouse gases
- Ability to adapt to climate change
- Use of non-renewable resources
- Environment in third countries
- Fuel mix used in energy production